Partner Interest Meeting for Green Infrastructure Site

On  Thursday, June 29, Northwest Side CDC along with partners, Reflo and the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee, hosted a partner interest meeting regarding the City-owned brownfield at 4101 N. 31st Street. This 2.9 acre site just around the corner from the Century City Tower has been at the center of NWSCDC's planning efforts ever since the City of Milwaukee secured funding from the EPA for brownfield remediation. Since then, NWSCDC has secured additional funding from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, MMSD, and the Fund for Lake Michigan to plant trees, install green infrastructure (cistern, permeable pavement, native plants & bioswales), and do community engagement for the project.

The purpose of this meeting was to engage schools, organizations, environmental groups, nonprofits, and local government with the project and identify potential partners for funding, programming, and workforce development opportunities. Over 50 people attended the meeting and shared their thoughts and ideas with the project team, which has proven to be immensely helpful as the project moves forward. A project team has since been working on environmental remediation and creating designs for the site, while next steps include site grading and major construction in the spring and summer of 2018.   31st & Capitol June 29 Meeting presentation.


NWSCDC wishes to thank a number of key partners for their support, without which this project would not be possible.  The project team includes NWSCDC, representatives from the City of Milwaukee, REFLO, NRT an OBG Company, and GZA Geoenvironmental.  Funding to date includes grants from the US EPA, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative via the US Forest Service, the Fund for Lake Michigan, and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District.




27th Street is open again, and Green Infrastructure is helping protect our area from future flooding too!


Little Free Library and Open House at Samuel Clemens School