NWSCDC is excited to announce that we've received a City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works (DPW) Active Streets Grant for 2021! Join us for a community kickoff meeting to learn how 4000 - 4299 N. 25th Street (between Capitol Drive & Roosevelt Drive) will be closed to thru traffic this summer and activated with educational, recreation and artistic activities this year. Don't miss the opportunity to make your voice heard. Share what you believe is needed to improve where we live, work and play.
In-Person Meeting Option (capped at 20 people, masks required): NWSCDC Office – 4201 N. 27th Street, 7th Floor
Zoom Option – zoom.us/join or call in at: (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 844 3351 0489
Passcode: 331810
Please RSVP to NWSCDC Community Organizer, Raymond Monk, by May 1st :
414-444-8200 x. 8106, rmonk@nwscdc.org